Weekend Market Report
Welcome to an early edition of the Weekend Market Report (WMR). I'm up in the heading to San Francisco for the Snowflake Summit early Sunday so I have to get this post out before I wake up late for the airport. In this weekend's market report, I share my gold and silver price forecasts, a new stock I bought, some interesting links, and how a stock I bought last year is performing.
Analog Zettelkasten Thoughts
YouTube video of a history professor talking about how he uses Obsidian but is considering using the old analog method of writing notes after being inspired by Scott P. Scheper's videos on analog Zettelkasten.
Machine learning in Excel
I wrote an article about Microsoft integrating Python in Excel. I love the idea and I think it’s going finally to get machine learning into the hands of Excel users.
Check out this tutorial on how to use SciKit-Learn in Excel from Anaconda.
The new Python in Excel integration by Microsoft and Anaconda grants access to the entire Python ecosystem for data science and machine learning. Thanks to its direct connection to Anaconda Distribution, we can leverage built-in functionality with packages like NumPy, pandas, Seaborn, and scikit-learn directly within our Excel workbooks.
McDonalds Prices in 1974
These prices seem unreal but that's what 50 years of inflation will do to you. The flagship 1/4 Pounder with cheese was only 70 cents in 1974! Today you're paying roughly 7 times for the same burger.

General market commentary
What a crazy week in the markets, but does that surprise anyone? A shortened trading week because of the Memorial Day holiday started with broad based sell off that continued till Friday. Markets turned higher from their weekly lows and rallied. Where they go from here remains a mystery but expect it to be a wild summer.
Historically the summer months have been quiet but something tells me that won't be the case this year, thanks to the tech stocks; one in particular. NVDA propped up the entire technology market for most of the week until easing back on the last two days. Everyone was trying to push up the stock price before the 10:1 split on June 4th so they could take profits. Either way, NVDA will probably ease back in price after the split (or not, who knows).
Gold and Silver price forecasts 1 week ahead
Gold and Silver had amazing runs lately but are they running out of steam? I believe they're taking a breather and consolidating around these levels. I'm not smart enough to guess if the recent run-up is because inflation is sticky or something else. Price forecasts with swing high and low prices are below the subscriber fold (sign in to read more).